Friday, August 31, 2007

Picture snapping

I absolutely love snapping pictures at my kitty. She's about four months and more mischievous that ever. She gets into these circus like situations, where M.and I can't believe she's real. M.recently said "look at us, we have so many pictures of Nina, imagine what we would do with our child."I agreed.It's actually quite ridiculous.If you take a look at my camera, every other picture is of Nina. And we have had her for about two months now?!I can't help it."Oh, look, she's standing on her two paws!Where's my camera?" "Oh, my God, she's soooooo cute, wait, I wanna get my camera."
Thank God for digital cameras. Well, you know what I mean.
So here's one example of my fascination. Just one. If I could, I would probably paint this blog with furry,orange cuteness but I realize that not everyone out there is a cat lover. Or in love with their cat as much as I am.


World Inside said...

Your cat is beautiful.

Kishore Dharmarajan
Author of EIGHTSTORM: 8-Step Brainstorming for Innovative Managers

Marija said...

Thanks Kishore!And thank you for reading me and commenting!I really appreciate!