Sunday, December 23, 2007

Long night to D.C.

We decided to go down to D.C. this weekend, to spend Christmas with both our families. But, we still wanted to avoid traffic jams. At any cost. There's nothing worse than being stuck in the car, without being able to do anything about it. So we left at 5 a.m. Which means got up at 3:45.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time," is what M. often says. It was a good idea, for the most part. You see, we avoided big delays, but arrived in D.C. absolutely dead tired. So our arrival was like: "Hi, good to see you, where's the bed?"
We had a nap, which recuperated us, and still had the whole day ahead. Which is a plus. The minus? Except for the first Starbucks being closed, and M. driving at night tired?
Considering, we were lucky.

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