Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The long lost role

Coming back to my theatre has been bitter-sweat, since I didn't get the part in its latest production. There's a list of names on the bulletin board, with the name of the woman who got the part I wanted. Also, there are posters and postcards everywhere...
I didn't think it would touch me, but it did, and it does.
So today, I asked a colleague, who was observing my audition/interview with the director: "what happened?"
"It was the naked thing, you know, the other girl was comfortable with it."
I knew it! I somehow suspected that might have costed me dearly. Or he found a real German woman.
I keep recalling the audition, you know, like, what if I didn't say I wasn't comfortable with just being in my bikini,with my hands covering my chest for a brief moment? But I wasn't, and I'm not. So I guess, I did the right thing, right?
It seems so hard to break into this acting thing if you're not in the right place, at the right time, all the time, and willing to do anything! Maybe I just don't want it that badly. I just think I shouldn't sacrifice who I am to get what I want. It just doesn't seem right.
Anyway, there were other contributing factors to my loss of this role--the other actress is younger, and her boyfriend gets to play her husband. How fun for them!
Not much acting there, ha?


Anonymous said...

Just takes time...

Marija said...

Hvala, you're right, it's just hard to wait, and lose...