Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Obama vs Hillary

We watched the Democratic debate last night in South Carolina. It's an important state for Obama to win, some even say crucial.
Clinton was in her "full attack" mode. The worst one I've seen since Obama won Iowa. That was the moment when Clintons decided they'll play dirty or cry on National Television, if that will get them back their dear White House. I think it's all they've been plotting about in the last eight years.
So she kept attacking poor Obama, who had to defend himself, in my opinion. He occasionally returned attacks, but rightfully so. I mean, you have to show not just the other cheek if you want to run the country, but that you are strong and can defend yourself. I don't think that "turn the other cheek" policy would work with, for example, terrorists.
I thought that I couldn't dislike Clinton more. Guess what!
I would love to read your opinions on the debate. Please, shoot...


Anonymous said...

i'm torn between those two :-)

Marija said...

Could you please tell me why?Thanks!