Saturday, June 7, 2008

Boring Jones

M. and I just came back from the nearby movie theater. We, not Sex and the City, but Indiana Jones. He actually wanted to see the Iron Man, but I thought that movie is ridiculous. Surprise, surprise...
O.K. I'll start with telling you NOT to see it in the theater. It is, at the very best, mediocre, and that's if I feel generous. The story is absolutely unbelievable, but in the worst possible way of that word. For one, aliens?! Give me a break.
Russians and aliens, during the cold war, I believe. The only thing selling this movie is Spielberg, Lucas and Ford. He, of course, did not age gracefully. But we already knew that. Karen Allen neither. Ford did not impress me with his performance either. He was an older, more tired, less attractive version on himself, from the 80s.
And Cate was just o.k. for me. She is a good actress but I guess Spielberg wanted her to overact the Russian woman in charge.
The movie is so packed with personal issues such as Jones' son, and his wife-to-be almost left at the alter, and the wedding...all that in just a little over two hours, though it seems longer. These topics were only brushed upon, so superficially that I was wondering why he brought them up in the first place?!
I think that sometimes the long break is anti-creative. This is a good example.

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