Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I have my first New York audition today and I'm terrified. I have no idea why I'm so irrationally frightened. I mean, I know my monologue, it's a small theater, it's not even for a concrete role but for a membership and potential roles, and it's not a big deal if I don't get it. Maybe if I keep saying this to myself, or writing it down and reading it over and over, it will help with my nervousness? Ah,...., I don't think so.
Maybe that's normal.I was always more-less nervous before stepping on almost any kind of stage.It's like pushing yourself into doing something you're afraid of, because you know it is, or it might be good for you. I felt like that in school, before anchoring, before stand ups, before my scene in Studio Theater, before any performance ever. And I did a lot of those.
The stakes are not even as big now. Still...
Anyway, I will go and do it, even though I feel like crawling into a mouse hole.
It's in little over than two hours. And the most important thing about it is the experience. Next time, when it might be important, I won't be so scared. And I'll know what to expect. Hopefully...

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