My Mom loves Who wants to be a millionaire. Both American and Serbian. So she's been bugging M. to go on it, to compete. I look it up and find out that one can audition only if in the audience for two tapings. Sounded great! So I order tickets, they arrive, I confirm and look forward to it. I actually ordered four, for my Mom and sister as well.
So we jump into a cab yesterday and arrive in front of the ABC's studio at 2:50p.m. The ticket said 3p.m.
When we got there, there was already a huge line of people, waiting at the door. And it's mid 40s. What can we do, we get in line. Then a woman comes by asking if we have a "number?" We show her the tickets but she said we need to go to the other line, half way down the street and get the number. We're not happy at this point but it's not exactly across the street from where we live, if you know what I mean. And my Mom doesn't live on this continent.
So, when we get to this other line, we don't get a number, but we're told to wait, in order to see if they have room for us because "they are in capacity." Who cares about the tickets, the confirmation! Useless! The only thing that seemed to matter is when you got in line. So we end up waiting for about another hour, made a trip to the near by Starbucks to warm up, moved to another line where, after about an hour and a half of waiting, they tell us: "We're so sorry...."
O, wow, was I angry or what! But, I didn't do anything, cause there was nothing really to be done. Unless to get arrested.
So I'm thinking about writing them a letter of protest. But I still want M. to audition for the next season. I'm just so sorry that we were freezing for nothing, and that my Mom and sister didn't get to experience it. We should've left right when they told us we might not get in...
I know, it's all water under the bridge now. But so hard to let go.
Anyway, we did get the Millionaire t-shirts. I'm never going to wear mine though-it will always remind me of that horrible day. Unless, M. wins a million eventually.
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