Monday, March 10, 2008

"What a crazy wooooorld..."

Sometimes I wonder if this world realizes how crazy it is. For example, only today the news were that the drinking water in New York City has 16 different drugs in it!Could you imagine that?! God knows what we're drinking. And the second one-- Governer Spitzer was caught on tape booking a prostitute worth $5,500 an hour! And you wonder where all the taxes went.
Serbia is not much better either. The government collapsed, again. Serbs are never, ever going to get along, and I wonder what the future would be like. Kostunica sounds and seems more and more like Milosevic. It is scary, at the very least.
I mean, what is wrong with everyone? When I hit 30, I started thinking how little time I have left on this earth and with people I love, and how to spend it as joyfully as possible, while helping others do the same. It seems to me that a lot of people don't think about their own mortality. They're trying to earn more money then they can ever spend, and by harming other people, in the process. I mean, how did all those drugs get in the water? Some greedy drug company must be dumping them somewhere,and not thinking that its own kids might drink it one day. And Spitzer has a wife and three kids! Did he stop to think about what he was doing to them, or he just didn't think, period. No one ever believes that he or she will be caught. But eventually we all do.
And Serbs? Unless they really believe in the after life, they better get their act together, and try to live their short lives in peace and prosperity. We should all remember that we don't have that much time left.

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