Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Working, then shopping

One of the most reputable language schools in this country called me earlier this week, to ask me if I can test NYPD's officers in Croatian. "Of course, " I said, smiling at the prospects of an easy, interesting work. I used to work for this school in D.C. That's where they got my name from.
The school's manager called again to schedule two tests for this week.
So, I went to meet with her today, as well as do the test.
The school's location, by the way, is excellent. I did use subway to get there, but it's a nice, tourist area, with a lot of good shopping. "Dangerous," but nice.
So the manager talks about what I need to do, she's concluding, everything is swell, but she never mentions my fee. So I had to ask.
"Since you're still our active instructor, you'll be paid as much as you did before--$10 per unit."
Me? In shock!
"I used to be paid $18 per hour, down in D.C., where the cost of living is much less than in Manhattan. Plus, I've been with you since 2005 and I have a Masters Degree now..."
She said:" Well..., you've must have had a government contract. "
"My students were military."
"That's why. If you're not comfortable with this fee, you could do this test today, and I'll find someone else for next time."
Yeah, right. There are Serbo-Croatian instructors waiting in line to work for $10. But I did the test. That's why I was there. And it was good. Interesting. Easy.
My test "subject" was a young police officer, who was born in Trebinje. He spoke excellently. But had troubles reading and writing.
Anyway, when I came out of the classroom, the manager said she talked to D.C. and they told her that I was paid $18 an hour. So, she said, she'll put in a request to pay me that much as well, for these two times. But next time, it will be $10.
Oh, that's fine. It's better than nothing. And it was kind of cool to get ready for work, and feel all smart and important.
I've worked for an hour and a half. Then, I went shopping.

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