Last Friday was not a fun day for me. I was physically exhausted from being on a shoot for 12 hours, as well as spiritually down for not being braver and more aggressive in my acting career. So I've turned into a couch potato for at least half of that day. Luckily I had a dancing class I've already payed for so I had to drag myself out. But for about half an hour before I went to it, I've been switching channels, when my eyes got stuck on Oprah. It was about animals, who I love, and about shelters and euthanasia. So I switched to it.
It made me cry. For real. As it did Oprah.
Now, I don't watch Oprah usually but I do respect her. Sometimes she bring up important issues, such as the animal situation in the States. And she supports Obama. Wise woman.
The following sad and sobering event I saw that day on TV, I've never seen before. They showed a day in a shelter, when a worker has to decide which healthy dogs to euthanize, because, and only because,a lack of space. It broke my heart. They showed the whole thing, every step, every move, and as painful as it was to watch, and as it makes me sick to my stomach even now, I believe it was important to show, and see, because it is the truth, and because people need to see it, and remember when they are buying a dog or a cat from a breeder, or when they give up their own pet because of an inconvenience.
That picture of poor, cute, innocent dogs being put down to sleep, will stay with me forever. They said that millions and millions of dogs and cats are euthanized each year only because of the lack of space in the shelters. Really, how cruel are we?
Now, I feel sorry for the poor, destitute people. I really do. And I want to help. But I feel even more sorry for animals because they don't have our brains to make their good or bad choices and suffer consequences. They try to survive in our world. We won't let them roam our streets, but we don't necessarily put all of them in homes either. We kill them because there's no room for them?!I almost don't believe that. But it's true. Unfortunately.
What I did right away is give some money to ASPCA. Then I went to the Petco in Union Square and gave some more to the shelter that has cats for adoptions there. Then to Petco close to me today, to sign up for fostering.
I want to ask you to do whatever you possibly can, even if it's inconvenient, to help these poor animals stay alive. You can either adopt from a shelter, not from a breeder, or foster until that shelter finds a home for the animal. Or you can give them money, so they can have more room for more animals. And make sure your pets are spayed and neutered.
Please, just do it.
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