Friday, September 21, 2007

Dreaming of Serbia, happily back in New York

I'm back in New York City. It's good to be back. Really.
As much as I enjoyed spending time with my family, I missed my life here...
The trip back was the longest one so far. Not objectively. It just seemed to me that way.Maybe because I'm older this year. Significantly.
I got anxious and stiff.Certain parts of my body were numb and numbing.Even the "Ocean's Thirteen" couldn't distract me from my ailment.And the time was passing so slowly.
When we finally arrived to JFK, there was a zoo waiting. I've never seen so many U.S.citizens and permanent residents in one line before.
But the fun didn't stop there. Exhausted and about to fall asleep standing up, I had to wait for my luggage for about half and hour before it never showed up!
And, as romantic as the exit could've been, with M.waiting with the smile and flowers, I had to think about the paper work I still needed to do, before I can finally, finally go home.
I did get an overnight kit. A XL white T-shirt to sleep in. No night cream. I didn't care.
The sight and warmth of my grown, beautiful, purry kitty an hour later made me deliriously happy. I drifted into dreams within a half an hour and--dreamt about Serbia all night long...

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