Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sunshine on the side, please...

Another depressive, rainy, cold Serbian day!I literally cannot believe my bad luck.All of those things I was longing for about this city are hard or almost unachievable with such bad weather.You know, hanging out in outdoor cafes and strolling along the walking street...
I was so unhappy today.I miss M. too much, plus the muddy,gray day doesn't exactly help. After I soaked the only fall pants I brought by accident, I decided to cancel other engagements and drown in my desperation. I was watching TV and napping.Hardly worth an almost 24 hour trip.
I'm not being fair, actually.I do enjoy spending more time with my family because of the weather. I just wish I'm in a better mood doing so, or at least with a little sunshine on the side.

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