Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When in New York, or Rome

A lot going on lately. I got a background part in the feature film When in Rome. I'll be working in the Guggenheim museum, and a night shift. I know, it's not ideal but it's an opportunity I don't want to miss. I've never worked on an actual film before, never been to Guggenheim and never really worked the night shift. For better or worse. Also, I'm off to D.C. on Friday for maybe a whole week, so this is in a way the last little background effort before the hiatus.
As far as my play, the next rehearsal in Friday 9 a.m. I have no idea how I'll be able to pull out a good rehearsal after an all nightie. I'm hoping, the shoot won't last the whole night, but maybe until 3 a.m., so I can still get four or five hours of sleep? Wishful thinking.
I also had my last class at my studio, with the current teacher of the Scene Study. I am seriously thinking about taking a Shakespeare class, since I need to work on my accent but I hate voice classes. They are extremely boring. Also, there will be a Shakespeare play in the near future cast in my theatre, so I'm hoping this course might give me an edge.
A lot of things on my mind. On top of all that, I've taken my family today to the Staten Island Ferry. Great ride. Wonderful view of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. All that after we refused to wait in line for an hour and a half to see the same statue, up close and personal. Thank God!


Statens Island said...

Hi Marija,

Thanks for such a nice information about New York and Rome...........

The Diary of a Shy Black Woman said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog. We actually share common interests (journalism and acting) Congrats on the background role. Have you registered with Central Casting? I am going to register in May or June. I am trying my best to live my life and come out of my anxiety...or shyness as most people say. Anyhoo, visit my blog often and I am about to subscribe to your rss feed!