Friday, June 27, 2008

Thievery Corporation in Central Park

M.and I went to the Thievery Corporation's concert on Thursday night, in Central Park.
The summer stage at the park reminded me of a scene in Novi Sad's Petrovaradin Fortress, during one of the biggest music festivals I've ever been too-Serbian Exit.
I'm really bad with estimating numbers and I don't really understand how people do that accurately, but the stage was full--both seating and standing areas. Hundreds and hundreds of people...
Several not-well known warm-up groups played, before Thievery actually started playing for only an hour and a half. I didn't come to the beginning of the whole concert, of course. It officially started at 5 p.m. Five hours at a concert is a bit much for me. Too much time standing or seating on long, metal benches without back support. So I showed up at 7 p.m. Still too early.
But when Thievery came on stage, at 8:30p.m., they came with a bang! Their music is really moving, and original, with Middle Eastern influences, and Portuguese and French as well as English lyrics. The music was enhanced by projections of different short, silent movies, or moving pictures behind musicians.
All in all--Great concert, great venue. I'll see them again any time. Just hope there will be no introductory musicians.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Book. part II

I started writing again. It's been a couple of months, but what's important is that I'm writing again. My book, that is.
All of a sudden, couple of days ago, I just felt an urge to write my book again. Maybe it has something to do with me being a bit tired of the "acting business," meaning auditioning and trying to get an agent. Not that I'm doing much on that front, but I ought to.
Also, one of M's friends became a very successful writer since I met her in 2002. So it can be done!
This writing thing took me places I forgot about. Good and bad, from the past. Took me to other people's lives. I'm trying to combine mine with other people's interesting, unique experiences, and add a drop of fiction. Hopefully, it will be eatable.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"I love my kitty" crying pack

If you have been reading "me", you know that my kitten-fostering attempt turned into an adoption. Since I don't trust the Bronx shelter I got my Sylvester from, I took him to a vet today. Petco in my neighborhood has a good vet once a month, at reasonable prices, which is not what you can say for regular Manhattan vets. Since my kitten looked perfectly healthy, I just wanted to make sure he truly is, for Nina's sake mostly, since they eat from the same dish.
The older, male vet recommended 4 in 1 vaccine pack, plus dewormer, plus Feline leukemia vaccine. Last year, a different young, female vet advised me that I don't have to give my indoor cat any of these vaccines, only rabies. This one said that he totally disagrees with her. So I let him give my kitten "I love my kitty" pack. They warned me that he might be lethargic and not eat, which is exactly what is happening right now, and making me a bit worried. His eyes are half open when he's at all awake. But, they said, it's normal for 24-48 hours. Makes me doubt if I should come back in four weeks and get another "booster" they recommended, or is he fine the way he is?
A Serbian vet once told me:"If your kitten eats and plays, the only thing you need to give him is a dewormer." And rabies, of course, but later. S. is not old enough. He's less than 13 weeks old.
Is it all a gimmick to get the money, or cats really need all these vaccines to stay healthy, even if they are only indoors??????

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Slow on the acting front

It's been a bit slow on the acting front for me recently. I've purposely missed several good auditions due to...I guess...tiredness? I don't know, I just don't feel like auditioning lately. Maybe because I'm teaching now, and taking classes, so I'm busier than usual. Or I just had enough, for now.
Then I feel guilty about it. I mean, I'm not going to have a chance to live in New York again, for a while, probably, so I shouldn't waste my time here, right?
But sometimes, I just feel like strolling Manhattan, with barely any make-up on, and in my jeans and sneakers. Not exactly the audition gear, if you know what I mean.
And I really feel like going to Serbia. It's been way to long.

Monday, June 16, 2008


After 10 months of living in New York City, M. and went to Brooklyn. We were invited to a little dinner party so we decided to go a bit early and check it out.
We went to an area under the bridge, where the famous Grimaldi's pizza place is. There's also an ice cream place there, and some kind of an amazing telescope through which one can see people in London?! I cannot vouch for it because the line to actually look through it was way too long for me, but people were looking through the huge lens and waving to someone on the other side.
The view of Manhattan was remarkable. The Brooklyn bridge itself is a sight to see, as well as the little pier from which we watched Manhattan and boats going under the bridge. It smelled and felt like vacation on a coast somewhere.
So, despite of my Manhattan snobism, I would like to go back there when there are less tourists around, and actually have the great pizza, ice cream and wave to Londoners.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Turkish delight

We went to a Turkish party last night. Met couple of people there, knew couple already.
The first couple of interesting young women I've introduced myself to, turned out to be Albanian.I was actually looking for someone female, interesting and single to introduce my friend I. too. Off course, only I can set up my Serbian friend with an Albanian woman.
I actually didn't mind that they were Albanian. Neither did our Serbian company. But the girls did. They disappeared just a couple of minutes after I said where I was from. But they disappeared politely, with smiles. Gotta give them credit for that.
I did meet an interesting Ukrainian woman, who danced the whole night close to us. I liked her even more when she complemented my dress, and how I look. Good taste, these Ukrainians have.
The food was disappointing, and the lack of drink variety. But the party was a success--full big loft of people dancing for hours, to a "creatively" compiled dance music. I hope the Turkish DJ doesn't do that for living. He was combining Turkish songs with old American hits.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hellish Fifth

No, I haven't forgotten about my blog. It's just busy raising two cats:)
This is the first day in ten months that I've wholeheartedly hated New York.
On my way from work, on the Fifth Avenue, a woman hit my big purse, hanging from a shoulder. It didn't hurt, but it was a hit. She lost her phone during it--it fell on the crosswalk. Then she swore, of course, not at me, but I guess, in general. Like it's not her fault. And it was.
Second, another woman stepped on my shoe behind me and took it off on another sidewalk on the same Avenue. Then she just kept on walking like nothing happened?! I had to stay at the crosswalk for couple of seconds and get my shoe back on my feet, while loudly protesting at the woman's quickly disappearing back. I couldn't believe the rudeness.
Then later, again, on the Fifth, a food cart slightly hit M. The guy with the accent at least apologized, but it could've been serious. M. did touch something hot on the cart.
I will try to avoid the Fifth like plague. I suggest you do the same.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cat trouble

I've sent an e-mail to my friends and acquittances in New York and D.C. this morning. The content was about looking for a good home for my foster kitten, since Nina, our cat started to hiss at me as well, for smelling like the kitten, I guess?
I also posted a flier in my building.
And then, I got a response from one of my actor-friends who is a nice person, lives with her family in New Jersey and wants a new cat...Oops. My eyes watered up immediately and not out of happiness.
This kitten is absolutely adorable, and as I'm writing this, he is playing around me and just knocked down one of my frames pictures. But he is also so needy and clingy. Part of me loves that, as M. can tell you. But part of me doesn't like him meowing when he doesn't want to be alone. It would be 90 percent better if Nina would actually let him play in the same room as her, or even better, play with her. Nina's after all barely 14 months old. She's a young cat as well. And she's a girl, but obviously with no maternal instincts.
So I finally opened the door and let the little guy out. At first, Nina was sleeping in our closed bedroom, and he was playing around me in the living room. But then Nina wanted to come out. There was hissing and cornering. So I took him back to his room, and he's once again happily playing around me, while Nina, I suspect is in front of the room. She's not coming in. And she stopped hissing.
So, this fostering is a tricky thing, if you love cats as much as I do. But you should see him sleeping with me, with his little gloved arm around me. To die for!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Boring Jones

M. and I just came back from the nearby movie theater. We, not Sex and the City, but Indiana Jones. He actually wanted to see the Iron Man, but I thought that movie is ridiculous. Surprise, surprise...
O.K. I'll start with telling you NOT to see it in the theater. It is, at the very best, mediocre, and that's if I feel generous. The story is absolutely unbelievable, but in the worst possible way of that word. For one, aliens?! Give me a break.
Russians and aliens, during the cold war, I believe. The only thing selling this movie is Spielberg, Lucas and Ford. He, of course, did not age gracefully. But we already knew that. Karen Allen neither. Ford did not impress me with his performance either. He was an older, more tired, less attractive version on himself, from the 80s.
And Cate was just o.k. for me. She is a good actress but I guess Spielberg wanted her to overact the Russian woman in charge.
The movie is so packed with personal issues such as Jones' son, and his wife-to-be almost left at the alter, and the wedding...all that in just a little over two hours, though it seems longer. These topics were only brushed upon, so superficially that I was wondering why he brought them up in the first place?!
I think that sometimes the long break is anti-creative. This is a good example.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Home battleground

My life has changed dramatically since we got a kitten last night. I've been spending most of my time in our second bedroom with him, playing, cuddling and reading. M. is in the living room with Nina, who is not the happiest cat in the world right now.
We introduced them to each other last night, hoping that the sheer smallness of Tax and Nina's obvious seniority, as well as different genders will help them get along. The little guy wanted to play with the big, orange cat, but our female Garfield wouldn't hear of it. Instead she was hissing and growling at him like her life depended on it. And then she left the room.
Since then, we kept them apart. Nina of course hears him meow when I'm not with him. It's amazing how fast kittens cry Mommy for the surrogate. His meow is way to strong for his size, and very high noted.
But he makes me so happy. He sleeps on me, or next to me. He is so tiny and fragile, that makes my eyes wet. I'm so glad he's safe and with me. No one in the world could take a better care of him.
Last, but not least, he turned me back toward my beloved Laza Lazarevic. Since Tax, I've read two of his stories, again, and they are not that short--about 65 pages for both. And I'm loving every minute of it. I've never dreamed that a sound asleep kitten and a a great book could make ME happy?! But they do. At least for the time being.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little Taxy

Foster Tuxedo

I have been waiting for a little tuxedo kitten since 3:30 this afternoon. I signed up and got a blessing from M. to foster a kitten or two, once in a while. We both love cats, and I feel so sorry for them in those cages in Petcos or shelters, not to mention the possibility that there might not be enough room for all the homeless cats out there.
So, we are supposed to take care of this little guy for a week or two. I am so looking forward to it! I wish I could say the same for Nina, our cat. She's such a spoil queen of the house, and we also read that female cats are very territorial.
That's why we plan to put the kitten into the other bedroom for a day or two, and then introduce them to each other. It's also a good test for Nina, to see how well she would get along with another cat. That's why we got a male kitten to foster. That, and the fact that it's probably one of the cutest things on this earth.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Super cleaning

My mother left today. It's always a bit sad when a person you care about leaves your home, even if it's just for several weeks.
She was here briefly and I wanted to make her stay as fun as possible. I took her places she likes, like the home stores and affordable shoe stores as well as Bloomingdales. And I felt guilty for not cleaning the place really thoroughly before she came, or getting some help in that. She, of course, cleaned our whole apartment despite my nagging and asking her to go out or to the gym with me. She just can't be here without cooking or cleaning. Period. I really didn't want her to do that. I wanted her to see New York and enjoy herself. And she did, for about a half of her stay. But the other half she spent in my apartment, perfecting it.
I'm not a very homey type of person. I clean only when visible dirty or when I have guests. And I did clean her room and bathroom before she came, but obviously not up to her high standards. And they are high indeed. Even those several times M. and I got the maid to help, she still found a few flaws to the job. The ones I would never even notice.

Monday, June 2, 2008

ABC's unique gifts

I took my mother to ABC yesterday, at the beloved Union Square. ABC is an extremely large, six level furniture, and everything else you could think of, store. It is glossy, and flashy, in a good way and shiny and extremely expensive for the most part. It is also connected to the hand-made chocolate cafe, as well as one of the best tapas restaurants Pipa and her sister Lucy.
I usually don't buy much jewelry for myself. I think that I have too many as it is, since it's M's favorite gift as well as a Serbian one. But there they were! Beautiful, hand made designer earrings with Swarovski crystals, but not gold not silver. Copper and nickel, I believe. The salesgirl told me and mother something of a sort.
When I realized that they go from $18 to $180, I decided to treat myself. I wanted to get one little ones for my Mom as well, but she wouldn't hear of it.
So I found this adorable blue-turquoise pair of hanging roses, with two clear crystals. They go so well with my face and they made me happy for a couple of hours. Not that I generally am not happy. I am.
I would definitely recommend this spot for you if you are anywhere close to the Union Square, and whether you need a unique gift for a woman, or a chocolate kick.
I think the jewelry designer's name is M. Negrin.