Thursday, June 5, 2008

Home battleground

My life has changed dramatically since we got a kitten last night. I've been spending most of my time in our second bedroom with him, playing, cuddling and reading. M. is in the living room with Nina, who is not the happiest cat in the world right now.
We introduced them to each other last night, hoping that the sheer smallness of Tax and Nina's obvious seniority, as well as different genders will help them get along. The little guy wanted to play with the big, orange cat, but our female Garfield wouldn't hear of it. Instead she was hissing and growling at him like her life depended on it. And then she left the room.
Since then, we kept them apart. Nina of course hears him meow when I'm not with him. It's amazing how fast kittens cry Mommy for the surrogate. His meow is way to strong for his size, and very high noted.
But he makes me so happy. He sleeps on me, or next to me. He is so tiny and fragile, that makes my eyes wet. I'm so glad he's safe and with me. No one in the world could take a better care of him.
Last, but not least, he turned me back toward my beloved Laza Lazarevic. Since Tax, I've read two of his stories, again, and they are not that short--about 65 pages for both. And I'm loving every minute of it. I've never dreamed that a sound asleep kitten and a a great book could make ME happy?! But they do. At least for the time being.

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