Thursday, November 15, 2007

The audition itself

As I was approaching destination of my audition, I've regretted my decision. It was a sketchy neighborhood, with some guys lingering in front of the "theater" singing "pretty women" to my mother and I. She wanted to go with me.
When we got to the 4Th floor, these old, dirty carpets, drapes and stale air washed over my senses. "What did I get myself into,"I kept thinking. But I was already there, and it took us an hour. It would be plain stupid to just leave, without actually getting something out of it. So I stayed, filled out the forms given to me by these two young women, in front of the door leading to the stage. I could hear an actor giving his heart out through his monologue in there. We barely found the place to sit down because the couches and chairs were way pass their life expectancy.
A woman, who did not look like an educated actress, but as a homeless person, tried to get to audition, without having a monologue ready. "I'll think of something," she said to the female greeters, who looked at her like she's crazy. She might have been. The director didn't let her come in.
So they told me I'm next. It couldn't have been more than two minutes since we arrived. I was still nervous, maybe even more. I also kept thinking that I never want to go back to this place.
Anyway, inside this small, rundown stage, there were three men-one mid aged, from Mid West, and two younger, smiling, normal looking guys.
The older one asked me where the monologue is from. "I'm not sure. My acting teacher from Studio Theater gave it to me and she never said who wrote it. Maybe you'll know, you probably heard it before." Having said that, I had my doubts...
So, I took couple of silent moments. I started saying my monologue not knowing if I'm going to know what to say next. I could feel that I wasn't giving a performance of my life, but I didn't think that it was all that bad. Not for the first time.
So they told me: "have a nice day." I said:"Thank you, you too," and left. I couldn't get out of that dark place soon enough. Outside, I was still nervous, but happy that I actually did it! I don't think they will call me back. But really, I don't care. I honestly don't want to go back to that theater. Or that improvised theater. I'm not that desperate.

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