Monday, November 26, 2007

Friends here, friends there, friends everywhere...

This time in D.C. is supposed to be M.'s vacation, and my time with my family-my sister and mother. But I would also like to catch up with a couple of friends.
I actually haven't made many friends in D.C. in three years. I'm not sure exactly why? I mean, I used to be an accessible, smiling person who would make friends within minutes. Does it have to do with the fact that I got married? Or with the culture shock I've survived here? Or maybe I'm just getting older and becoming more picky. All of the above?
I've made couple of friends in my acting course.I made couple at AU. In the process, I've met many people, but those are acquaintances, not friends. A friend is someone you like to spend time with outside of the shared interest or activity. And someone you trust. And who trusts you back.
I've lost a lot of friends in Serbia when I moved to the States. We just drifted apart. No one's fault, really. It's just the nature of the beast.
People evolve, thank God! That doesn't mean that they cannot be friends with someone from the previous stage. But it also doesn't mean they should, or have to.

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