Monday, August 20, 2007

Rare companion

I was so proud when the vet told me that female orange tabbies are very rare!That was the second time a cat expert has told me that my newest crush is rare! God, I love that!Not that I can love her any more.It is unbelievable how much I love this creature, and I've known her for less than two months?!I think it's the whole "I'm the cutest thing in the world and I totally depend and trust you" act that got me. And the purring and kneading!
She totally got me.We were going to the shelter every other week for four monts looking for our lost cat who I missed so much.So I persuaded M. that I'm so heartbroken and another cat could help with that. And that was true. But it had to be the right cat, not just any.They are all cute, but OUR cat has to do a trick-something to show us that she belongs with us. There was one little black guy that almost got me, but the timing wasn't right.But Nina, Nina got M. too! I was the easy target. It took her, I would say, about two minutes, to make me want her, but M. is tougher. So we got into the room with her, when she started acting like the perfect companion-she was purring, cuddling, playing. And again. I knew I was in love. But I was surprised that M. wanted to fill out the tedious paperwork. I couldn't believe she was ours!No one wanted her until then.What's wrong with this world?Don't they see what I see?Or am I really from Mars, as I sometimes feel.
I was literally counting days until I could take her home. They were so long. But when I got her into the carrier and then car, she was calm and trusting. What a creature!Did she know she could trust me? Or her instincts just told her:"Oh, yeah, I got this one to feed me and clean my potty for the rest of my life."Was she right!
p.s.She just sleeping next to the computer as I write. She loooveees deleting my posts. So, I actually wrote this one differently. This is Nina's version:)

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