Sunday, January 27, 2008

August Osage County, in a white limo

I have seen my first Broadway play on Friday night, thanks to my in-laws. They took M. and I to see this new play everyone's raving about, including my acting teacher and The politically challenged N.Y.Times.
Broadway is very flashy at night. I'm sure you've seen it on TV if not in person. Also, on Friday there were a lot of people around. The theater hosting the August Osage County was, of course, packed.
First, it was hot inside, then it was cold(air-conditioning), then hot again. There was definitely not enough room for one's legs to be comfortable during a three and a change hour play. But the play itself was very good.
The first scene was kind of slow, and it was hard to hear the older, lead actor, the Father. He was speaking quietly, maybe because his role required that of him, or maybe he's just a soft speaker. It made it so much harder to understand him since the whole play was done in the Southern accent.
But the second scene picked the play up. It was interesting, dynamic and funny. The third one as well.
Acting was great, but I did catch them acting. I know it's very hard not to "act," even in my limited experience. But it's also something that an audience, who didn't take acting classes, wouldn't notice.
My father-in-law pointed something out after it was finished. The playwright included every possible dysfunctionality that exist. It was a bit too much for him, over the top, you know. And he is right, though I haven't noticed that myself watching it. I guess I was too focused on acting, and where could I move my legs next.
It's a great play, really. And I'm grateful for the experience. But I do wish it was a bit shorter, with less profanities, and that the theater was more comfortable. Other than that, it was perfect!
Oh, yes, and we came back home in a white limo, courtesy of my generous in-laws. I guess Broadway is not so bad:)

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