Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Studying Scenes

I started my new acting course tonight-The Beginning Scene Study. Volume wise, it's a bigger class than Technique. That's not generally good, 'cause one gets less "stage time." But it's the same, good, familiar teacher. And what I like about acting is work on the actual scenes.
I came with a new monologue, but just for the cold reading. I didn't feel like memorizing it yet. I didn't even know if I was supposed to.
The others have been in the class for three weeks already. Some already had scenes. Some worked on different Uta Hagen exercises, such as a "slice of life" one. Everyone seemed to be on a different level, which made me feel more comfortable that I'll fit in.
So I did read my monologue.
"How does that feel?" T. asked.
"Good!" I said. People laughed. And clapped. Apparently, it was good. So, how come I keep getting these positive feedbacks, but not roles?

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