Saturday, January 19, 2008

My first meeting with an agent

I've met my first N.Y.C. agent today. She is a lovely lady in her 60s, I believe. After a short Q&A session, I had five or six minutes alone with her.
"That's a good monologue," she said. "I like your outfit."
Needless to say, I was pleased.
"Do you speak Russian?"
"A little," I said. It's true,I can't lie!
"It's a great skill to have, one of my clients just got a role because he speaks Russian."
Well, I wish I knew that in college. I could've spent more time in Russian classes instead of in Romanticism and Realism. Yes, I'm romantic, and I love the literature of that time. Also, we had a young, single professor.
"I have to tell you, your headshot is not good," she added. "It looks like a passport photo. You need a softer look."
"I know," I said. "I thought I should earn some money before I spend some, you know."
"Off course," she was understanding. Or was she?
"Can I send you a better headshot?"
"Of course. I might need someone with all these languages," she said.
My time was up. I thanked her and left.
The coordinater outside said:" That's a great monologue!Where did you get it?"
I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

This is great! I've got to hear your monologue! Your going to get something soon!

Marija said...

I hope so!Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You go lepa Srpkinja!!!

Marija said...

:)Hvala puno na komplimentu!I sto citas moj blog. Bas si zlatna!