Monday, January 28, 2008

On N.Y.C. subway, from Barack to Denzel

I was on the train number 4, from Barack Obama's headquarters to the Grand Central. It's a straight shot. Then I walk for about 10 minutes home. I prefer that, than transferring.
The train was packed at 5 p.m. I didn't have any reading material so instead I was observing people. A young woman next to me was playing her ipod very loudly, which made me enjoy her music. It was American Pop and Arabic sounding tunes. She was also filing her nails and touching up her makeup. A guy next to her was watching a movie on his miniature laptop. People across were talking to each other, or just sitting, thinking, people watching.
At one point I felt like I was in a movie. And today I actually registered for an extra in the next Denzel Washington movie. "Is there anything more exciting than being in a movie," I recall rhetorically asking myself. This excitement was almost touchable, reachable, realistic. Even if I just start as an extra, being in a blockbuster movie, even for just couple of minutes, would be such a great experience. And where else could I possibly do this, if not in N.Y.C.? How many people do you actually know who were in a movie??? There you go!


Anonymous said...

Love it, I will be looking for you!!

Marija said...

If I'm lucky enough to be cast in it:)Fingers crossed!Thanks!

Marija said...

If I'm lucky enough to be cast in it:)Fingers crossed!Thanks!