Monday, January 21, 2008

Volunteering for Obama

I finally got my act together regarding my long time wish to help Obama win. I absolutely abhor Clintons for many reasons. For one, they bombed Serbia, killing both Serbian and Albanian civilians and dropping illegal cluster bombs. Two, behind them is still the same machinery as in 1999. I would hope that Americans have evolved.
Three, I strongly believe that Hillary only wants to get into the White House, at any cost. And if she does, God help America.
Others? She was pro-Iraq, she is too calculated and not to be trusted. And if she couldn't keep her husband from cheating, how can she keep a huge country safe and sound?! I know, this one is not really credible. But, it's worth a shot.
Anyway, for all these reasons (and others I can't recall right now), I've been wanting to work or volunteer for Obama since July. But, we moved, I've been settling down, looking for a job, traveling, auditioning...Finally, enough was enough. I mean, the N.Y.C. primary is only two weeks away! Something had to be done.
So I made my way to the headquarters today. People over there couldn't be nicer. I've answered the phones and put some info into the database. Answering the phones was a really interesting one. Most of the people who called, called to volunteer or to find out where they can buy Obama gear. One person complained extensively about Clinton, Obama and McCain to ME! One wanted to share her unsatisfaction about the media focusing on Obama's skin color. There are things Obama people teach you to say or do, in these cases. Mostly, the callers can leave a message or discuss issues on the So I said to one unhappy citizen: "Ma'am, if you would like to discuss the issues or policies, you are welcome to do so at"
"I can't afford it!"she said. And continued firing.
"Can I take your name and contact number then?"
"They know who I am, I've been calling them every day!" Then, she hung up.

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