Thursday, January 3, 2008

Obama charms Iowa

M. asked me a while ago why do I like Obama. "He's charming, and smart, and educated, " I said. "And different."
The first time I've heard of Barack Obama was in my journalism boot camp at AU, in summer 2006. He was a charismatic young speaker at a Democratic convention. We had to write a story about it.
He was speaking about hope back then as well. He was proud of his Kenyan father and Kansas mother heritage. He said that his story is only possible in the U.S.A.
Tonight he got the most votes in Iowa, to my outstanding joy.
A friend of mine, a State Department officer, recently said: "My job would be so much easier if Barack Obama would become the president." I absolutely agree that he would change America's image in the world, in a positive way. And America could use some image makeover. Not to mention that having a half African-American, half white president would prove to the rest of the world that at least some Americans are not racists. And that not only Clintons and Bushes can lead this country, like it's a kingdom.
So, hopefully, 2009 will be a much better time to be in this country. That is, if Obama wins it all. Fingers crossed!

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