Monday, September 17, 2007

High school interview

I was interviewed today. Again.I say again, because when my books came out, I was an interviewee many times.I actually like it.I like talking about myself, as long as I have something significant to say.
My interviewer was a senior in my former high school. The school paper is interested in me since, according to them, "I made it."
Made it how? I think, a definition of success in my big, but Southern city, is to leave it. And not starve to death. In that case, yes, I made it.
Also,I think getting a Masters in the States is a big deal for them. I get that. It's big deal for me too.
Marta, a wanna-be-journalist, is a cute 18 year-old woman. I actually wrote a girl first, since she's definitely one, but I don't want to be politically incorrect. She seemed kind and interested in what I have to say.I was afraid that I'll bore her from time to time. She's volunteering anyway.
I tried to be brief but answer all the questions. She really didn't have many. I guess I said it all.
At a point I was struggling with what else to say. I know I did a lot in my 31 years of age, but somehow, not everything came in mind then.
Of course, I thought of things I could've and should've said, but only when we got up, since an hour or so had passed, our bottoms were sore from sitting on a wooden bench in the high school club and I had an appointment with my dentist in an hour.
I did promise to send a photo. They couldn't find a camera.It's better this way anyway, I get to choose my picture that will accompany the article.
It was fun, really, and flattering. I mean,I was Marta just 12 years ago. Twelve years ago?! Oh ,God, I'm so old. You are old when you get to say that you did something 10 or more years ago...Kidding, of course. Don't stop reading me just because I wrote this:-)

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