Friday, December 14, 2007

Bipolar New York, where you have to eat in on weekends

New York City is either schizophrenic or suffers from a bipolar disorder. Yes, I watch way too much "Law and Order." It was snowing heavily yesterday and I woke up to a sunny day, without a single show flake around.
Actually, it's beautiful either way-white or warm. And so alive this time of the year.
Try shopping in New York in the middle of December. You would have to be on someone's head. All those famous shopping meccas, such as Macys or Gap, are so packed that you can't turn without bumping into someone. And don't even try walking along the Fifth for fun.
I tried to make a reservation in one of the most exciting restaurant M. and I discovered in this city-Pipa. Killer tapas,fancy, stylish decor-old, glace chandeliers hanging from everywhere, old mirrors on the walls, very dim lights, loud from talk, but with a great atmosphere.
"I'm sorry, but we don't have anything before 11:30," the hostess said.
"How about tomorrow?
"The same thing. But you can come, and there's approximately a half an hour wait."
I was curious: "So,when did all those people call for reservation?"
"Monday or Tuesday. That's when you have to call if you want a reservation for the weekend."
Well, that's New York for you. How could I forget?

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