Monday, March 3, 2008

3:10 to Yuma

When M. ordered a Western from Netflix I wasn't exactly thrilled, as you can imagine. What I remember as Westerns are bunch or dirty guys shooting at each other. Period. And they certainly appeal more to manly tastes. But 3:10 to Yuma has an interesting title and actors, so I gave it the time of the day. It actually, to my big surprise, turned out to be a great movie. Both Bale and Crowe, were excellent, and the story just flows, grabs you in, and you can't wait to see what's going to happen. At all that, it wasn't shallow nor predictable. And the characters were clearly and deeply drawn, and there's a whole variety of them. The music was good as well. All and all, a pleasant two hours of one's life. You should see it!

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