Friday, March 14, 2008

The true story about spoiled, ungrateful cousin

My 21-year-old cousin decided that he wants to come to the United States. He borrowed the money for the ticket and expenses, partly from my father, got the multiple visa for three years because people in the Embassy know me, and just flew into Dulles planning on staying with my sister until he finds a job. He didn't have a job waiting in the States, when leaving Serbia. You know, what people usually do? Find a job and THEN move? He spent most or all of the borrowed money on clothes, shoes and God knows what else in the first month, couldn't find the job because he has no documents and only high school diploma behind him, and is still staying with my sister, going on two months. When my brother-in-law pulled strings to get him a good job, it was too hard for him, so instead he decided to go to a course for a life guard, while staying at my sister's place and not contributing to the household in any way--he doesn't want to walk the dog because he need to pick up poop, he sleeps until 11 a.m., he doesn't buy any food because he spent all his money on clothes and he's saving his paycheck for the room he's planning on getting, one day, he doesn't clean...he just eats and sleeps there. And asks for help and rides.
Have I mentioned my sister is pregnant?
When I finally said, enough is enough and you need to move out, and be on your own, he complained to his parents back in Serbia. Well, somebody had to put the foot down. I won't let people walk all over my sister because she has a good heart.
A true story, I swear. Decide, are you an adult who moves away from home and is independent or you're a kid who runs to mommy and daddy every time someone tells you that no one(expect mommy and daddy) is supposed to take care of you, give you a place to live away from home, feeds you, finds you a job, drives you...
Really, is it the Serbian thing? Just because our parents are related, I'm supposed to provide for you? If I wanted kids by now,I would've had them already. The same goes for my sister.
Now the extended family in Serbia is offended by me telling the truth.
This can only happen with Serbs. Really.
Well, I think we will all think twice when someone asks us to stay with us for two weeks. Or two days. Definitely. No Serbian guests or relatives for a long while.
No, the word for a week and a month in Serbian is not the same.

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