Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Acting front

I've been working on a scene from T.Rebeck's Spike Heels with my partner from class, E. It's for our Scene Study class, which I;ve been wanting to do, forever. It's a great class. There are only two things bothering me about it. The time--I hate doing something important, creative, intellectual late in the evening. I feel I can't give it, to quote my character Lydia, "my best self." All I wanna do at 10 p.m. is watch TV. Seriously. Yes, I used to go out, but that was a year ago and before that. A lot of things changed when I hit 30. Especially at winter.
Second, there are too many of us in this class. Sometimes, not all of us get to perform. You can't learn acting from watching other people do it. Oh, No!
But, I like the teacher, and I've learned so much already. I mean, I started in October and already, it's a different field for me. I know what actors are talking about, doing, I understand the world...
Also, people are getting to know me at the theatre, which is kind of comfortable. I don't wanna be new everywhere all the time. It takes a lot of energy.

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