Friday, May 9, 2008

By Acela to Shakespeare

I'm back in New York City and full speed ahead. I came back on Acela, a fast, business class train that stops maybe four times between D.C. and New York, and the whole trip lasts 2 hours 45 minutes. Nicer, newer, bigger seats, more leg room, and the bigger price, of course, but for me it was definitely worth it. I get anxious traveling when it lasts too long. I'm afraid of my next overseas trip as I write this. But I guess the excitement of the arrival helps with the stiffness of my rear and the general nervousness.
I was so tired on Wednesday and just watched TV all day. But yesterday, I've tried to catch up with my schedule--e-mails, auditions, submissions, mailing, shopping, faxing, printing...No, I'm not running a small business, just trying to come up with some kind of a career. I also worked out and did some laundry. Very exciting.
But the biggest news is my new class:Shakespeare.New teacher, new classroom, new colleagues, and definitely, an entirely new subject. I've only read Shakespeare in Serbian, except for couple of sonnets. I liked it, in Serbian, but in English I need "No fear Shakespeare" to understand.
The four hour class concept is a bit intimidating, but it went by fast except for the last 45 minutes, during which I was hibernating.
I like the teacher, she's very animated. Three of the colleagues I know from before. Good.
The class will be work, but so what. I have time. Now more than ever. So bring it on.

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