Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I saw Macbeth on Broadway today, with Patrick Stewart. I saw it with my former acting class, the Shakespeare on Thursday nights I forsaken for Shakespeare on Friday days. It's the same teacher though.
It was good, though, I have to admit, I didn't understand half of it.
The acting was good, though it was my first Shakespeare on the stage, so I'm not sure if overacting is what is expected. The production was good as well, as far as the whole dynamic and the stage decoration goes. That was very creative and original.
But, again, I didn't understand half of the story. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I'm not a native English speaker or with the fact that I haven't read it in English. I could swear I read it in Serbian, but I couldn't remember the story,
Oh, well, it was a useful experience. I guess...
We had balcony seats, which was like watching Shakespeare from a cliff. Literally. I mean, I didn't even think that that kind of steepness was safe. If you ever go to Lyceum theatre on Times Square, check the balcony. But don't if you're afraid of heights.
The audience was raving about it by clapping and ovations. I guess they read the book. Or know old English. It must be one or the other.
So, if you know the story, and can live with no leg room for two hours and 45 minutes, go ahead, see it. Acting is really good. And it was placed in some other time, not Shakespeare's. I'm guessing Russia?

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