Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Working Tuesday

Busy, busy, busy Tuesday. I read for a small, independent movie, for the director, a small, cute, screaming-out-loud gay guy, in--Chelsea!That went really well, and I almost, almost got the part. I'll find out next week, hopefully.
Then I took a Law and Order Intensive, where I read, with another 15 or so people, for one of the show's casting directors. She's young, unpretencious, and so nice. I was pleasently surprised. That was a good learning experince. Plus, now she has my resume and my headshot, in a different pile, I hope.
One gets Law and Order parts through agents though. I don't have one yet. I freelance with one. But she only sent me for a video once. I didn't even get that one:(
Oh, well, it was a good, working day. Now I need to read the Comedy of Errors, for my class on Thursday. Not exactly a light, bed-time read, if you know what I mean.

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