Monday, May 19, 2008

Teaching, yet again

I got another job today, to teach at a foreign language school in N.Y.C.
It's just a job-ish because I don't know how long it will last and it doesn't pay much. But, on a more positive note, I start tomorrow, with three classes scheduled.
It's kind of funny that after teaching in Belgrade, moving, working as an interpreter, getting my Masters, getting into acting, I'm back teaching again, for almost the same amount of money per hour as in Belgrade. But it's better than nothing. And it's a nice, comfortable job, that is paid, as appose to my acting endeavors. This way, I get to take classes and audition. I don't know if I could do that with a full time job. Though a full time, fulfilling job would have its advantages. I guess everything has its price. Hopefully, the "sabbatical" of a sort I'm taking now will pay off one day. There's nothing more I'd like, love, than to get a good part on a good TV show or a film. But the stage would suffice as well. For now.

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