Sunday, May 11, 2008

One fine day

Yesterday afternoon, I went to the Serbian Consulate in New York City, to vote. The weather has improved, much, so I decided to walk. I'm not working out much lately anyway. Due to my laziness.
I had a scheduled "rehearsal" for the Happy Hour right afterwords. I put "rehearsal" because I was only supposed to watch since I've missed a lot of them, being in D.C.
After I voted for the pro-Western Democrats, of course, one of the people I know from the Consulate introduced me to a young Serbian journalist working for the Frankfurt Vesti or News. She wanted to talk to me, or interview me. Well, I like that. I enjoyed it, even though it was short since the same man brought another lady for the same reason. This lady turned out to be an actress working in N.Y.C. Oh,my God! I was so excited. I introduced myself as an actress as well, and told her that I would love to meet her Serbian actor-friends and maybe work with them some time.
She gave me her phone number, and when I mentioned that I briefly worked for the VOA, she said she's heard of me. Oh, my, I'm getting famous;-)
So after the journalist took my picture, asked me why I voted and we chatted a bit, I went to the rehearsal. After about an hour and a half, the director asked me to come next Saturday at 5p.m. and to perform at 10p.m.
I told him I was ready for my two scenes. And I am.
So all and all, a great day! I walked back home, contently. Very.

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