Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dog with shoes

Well, the summer in New York is gone alright.Unfortunately. I love this planet but I hate the cold. So global warming or not, I liked the unseasonably warm weather.
I also love how crazy New Yorkers are.I wonder, is it the chicken or the egg?Are New Yorkers crazy because they live in New York, or crazy people come to live in the friendly, natural habitat?
Let me elaborate. I SAW A DOG WITH SHOES yesterday. In the middle of the Midtown. Lex or 3rd and 50s.I almost cried for not having the camera with me.
This little dog had blue shoes on, and he was crossing the street with a blond, young woman on the leash;-)I couldn't help but laugh. Not too loud though. I didn't want her to think I'm laughing at her, just at her dog, with shoes.
I've seen dogs with clothes before. That's kinda common here. But shoes? Well, that takes the cake.
Actually, it seemed to me like the little guy was having problems adjusting the the fashion. Or to his crazy owner. He was walking kind of clumsy. Maybe she didn't want him to get his paws wet and dirty? It was raining after all. Or maybe she was Serbian and worried about dog's ovaries?
It was one of those miniature dogs, brown, cute, with long ears. Not the hot-dog. Sorry I don't know more about dogs.
I wish I had a camera!!!You trust me, right?

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