Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lost in New York...

Have you ever felt lost? Not physically,in space, but just lost,you know, in life?
Well, I've been feeling like that today.
The rainy New York morning didn't exactly help. And I am one of those people who depend on the sun. Really depend on it. We all do, more-less. The lack of sun makes us depressive.
That's how I've been feeling today. I've been wandering the streets of New York, looking for the sun. I knew where I was, but I wasn't sure where I was going. I felt so alone. And the city has lost its charm.
I know that things go up and down, periodically. I know that you have to get lost once in a while, in order to find yourself, or be found. But neither happened to me today.
I guess it takes more time.
I couldn't think of a single thing, easily achievable and accessible at the time, to give me pleasure, to pick me up. I guess "things" don't really do that. We just fool ourselves.
Anyway, I do feel better now. It will be a new day tomorrow, after all. Maybe the one where I'll finally find myself. And whatever I'm looking for...

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