Monday, October 1, 2007

The line ain't worth the wait

Have you ever seen that episode of "Sex and the city" where Carrie's computer crashes and she's waiting for her number called at a computer repair shop? That's not fiction. That really happens in this city. Actually,something similar happened to M. and I last night.
We wanted a DVR cable box, so we can record our favorite shows. For M.-the soccer, for me-Law and Order, Damages, Grey's anatomy...
So, I decided to actually go to a cable company's location rather than waiting for them to come over.I thought it would be easy, it's close enough, plus I don't have to wait around for five hours and pay them extra money.
But some time and money are worth spending. When we got there, 25 minutes before the closing, there was a huge line in front of the entrance.
What a shock that was! I didn't expect any line .Of course, I've never done this kind of thing before, certainly not in N.Y.C.
Right there and then, I deeply regretted not waiting for a cable guy while watching TV or writing my blog. But, again, a little too late.
So we decide to wait. After all, we did bring the box with us.
The wait outside was just the beginning. When you get inside, you get a number, and the fun begins.
There was an even bigger line of sitting people, waiting for their number to be called. "Now serving number 680," an automatized voice said as we were trying to find a non-existent seat. Have I mentioned that both of us were starving?
We had 721. I was so frustrated, angry at myself for trying to do some things faster and more cost effectivly than they probably should be. Whenever I try to save some time or money, I always, always end up wasting more.
We watched as people were passing by, to be served by the representatives. I was criticising every one's speed or actions. We were trying to use water to hold us over. And to joke about it after a while. A lot of number holders weren't there.My guess was- they got the number, saw the line, did the math...
Finally, after a bit more than 20 minutes inside, on an empty stomach, we got our much bigger cable box, and happily went on our quest for a nearby food source.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

Marija said...

Thank you!
I'm glad I can help!
Happy Holidays!

Marija said...

Thank you!
I'm glad I can help!
Happy Holidays!

Marija said...

Thank you!
I'm glad I can help!
Happy Holidays!