Sunday, October 14, 2007

High school math friends all over America

I just had a skype conversation with two people from my native town.They both live and work in the United States-one in New York, one in Arizona.I went to high school with both of them.It's next to impossible for all of us to be geographically so close to each other 12 years later.We all took different paths which led us to this country.
One of them got a great,lucrative job offer from a firm in Pennsylvania.The other works for a successful hedge fund in New York.They're both done so well for themselves.They're both stayed, more-less,on math-path. But not me. I've ditched my math aspirations a long time ago, for art. I don't think I was cut out for it anyway. My head is more in the clouds.
Two of them, on the other hand, were perfect for it. Smart,talented,hard-working...I believe they went to competitions and got awards in math and/or computer science.
My math knowledge has long left my head.I would really need a shock therapy to remember all the equations I had to know to finish high school with these guys.And they had As in math.I didn't.

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