Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feisty New Yorkers

Another summer day in New York City. In October. Everyone was out and about. Even more than usual, people were bumping into each other near and on the crosswalks. Cars planted themselves on the crosswalks so we, the inferior pedestrians would have to go around them, trying not to get killed on our own turf.
Today, for the first time I actually witnessed a verbal fight between a cab driver, parked on a crosswalk and a poor pedestrian trying to cross. The pedestrian was doing what we all wanted to-rip the heads of drivers who are so casually hanging out on what's rightfully ours! The feisty cab driver didn't apologize to the pedestrian, of course. Instead, he yelled back at the pedestrian and pulled a bit backwards. Then we heard honking from another cab, conveniently parked behind the main culprit.
So the pedestrian and the cab driver are "going at it," while the first is crossing the street around the cab that's pulling back, almost hitting the car behind him. Chaos! But that's every day traffic in the City. Get used to it, or get a heart attack.

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