Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Becoming Jane

I've actually seen a movie recently that made an impression on me, and lingered with me for a while. I haven't seen Becoming Jane when it came out because The New York Times' review of it was just o.k. When there are so many movies out, you have to use some tools to sort them out and decide which ones are worth seeing in the theatre and which ones on your sofa. That's why we have Netflix.
But I do love Jane Austin. Especially movies made out of her books, such as an amazing Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice series with C.Firth. So, I was intrigued by Becoming Jane.
It turned out to be great! Again, McAvoy was very, very good, and the lead actress, Anne, was not bad as well. Not as good as him, but just fine. The story itself is interesting, romantic and you can't really predict what is going to happen at the end. Unless this movie is historical and you know of Jane Austin's life, as well as her novels.
It made me a bit sad though. And it made me think about life, and choices we make. And how they determine the rest of it. And do they? Or are they not ours to make at the first place?
Now, don't think I've told you how the movie is going to end. 'Cause I didn't. But you should see it. And then tell me what you think. And did it make you think.

1 comment:

Ed Mahony said...

I haven't seen it or read a review about it yet but I belive she was dumped by a charming guy called Lefroy (that probably made her a bit weary of 'charming' men such as Willoughby). Maybe not. Just begun Persuasion. This is one of her more mature books where she is resigned (so I have been reading about) to being a single woman, and finding interesting ways to live like that.