Friday, February 15, 2008

Professional photo shoot

I finally had a professional photo shoot, for my headshots. I thought it was time. I mean, that agent told me a month or so ago that I need a better headshot. So I found this photographer in the actor's weekly newspaper, whose pictures looked good and the price was right.
Headshots in N.Y.C. can cost a lot of money. Three, four even five hundred dollars.
Of course, it depends on what you get, but all I actually wanted were the professional pictures. I can have them developed later, when I want, as many as I want, so I chose that kind of package. If I knew this would be only $99, I probably would have done it sooner. I mean, it makes all the difference. It's still me, but with a good light and in a good position, background...
It was somewhat of a chance to pick an ad out of hundreds and set it up. It turned out well, though. This woman is a professional photographer all right. She has the real studio, you know, penthouse type, with the lights and the cameras, and the makeup artist...She really knows what she's doing. For example, she told me to change my beautiful black and white BEBE blouse with a bow, because it would take attention from me. Well, I don't want that, do I. But I was a bit sad not to have a picture in my favorite clothes.
Second, she told me to take off some of the makeup. Looking natural is what agents want, apparently, from an actor. Also, at a point, she used a fan, to move my hair of of my face. I felt like a fashion model, with my hair flying around.
Anyway, it was quick, fun, and fruitful. Now I just need to decide which one of of 50I got, is the best, to become 8x10.
We'll see if it will make a difference. At least I can't say I haven't tried.

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