Tuesday, February 12, 2008

White, timid New York City

New York is so beautiful when it's showing. We really didn't have much snow this winter. Some, yes, but it would melt right away. I guess N.Y.C. is too "hot" for snow.
This one is sticking. The city transformed today, into a clean, white, huge animal. It's seemed more timid now, less cruel.
Speaking of cruel, I had couple of auditions yesterday. The one I really went to, I did well, but the only female role is of a 50 year old woman. I still thought it was worth a shot. It's about this famous Serbian epic poem's hero-Marko. So I really, really wanted to be a part of it. And I did well. They laughed during my monologue. In a good way.
The other one turned out to be at the same time. I read some sides. I was o.k. Figured, it was worth a shot and I was more qualified to play a Chech girl anyway.
Oh, well, I guess we'll see. Have I mentioned that these are for the actual pay?

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