Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rehearsal from Hell

I came out disappointed from my first rehearsal, for that role I got. The playwright and the director were both stingy on explanations, and they didn't seem to have their act together. I mean, at all.
It was three of us, all girls. Two of us received the same lines! And they were about two pages long. So there goes my wasted time memorizing it, and the headaches that go with it. It's not Shakespeare, you know, so you can use it anytime, for any audition. It's this contemporary playwrights, whose play isn't bad but it isn't great either. Also, I asked my teacher about him. She's been around. Never heard of him.
So, after an hour of two of them criticizing three of us, without giving us any directions before the rehearsal, we were supposed to schedule another one for...tonight. Never happened. Why? I have no clue. The readings are supposed to be on Saturday, and not in N.Y.C., but in New Jersey. They didn't tell us that either, not before we came to that rehearsal. I don't even know the exact location of the performance yet! They'll probably get back to me on that...on Saturday!
I'm just hoping that this lack of professionalism is not the staple of N.Y.C. acting scene. Have I mentioned that we are not getting paid?

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