Friday, February 22, 2008

White in-door day

I woke up to a heavy snow falling upon New York. The news were all about airport delays, and I was counting my blessings for not traveling today. Nina was fascinated by big, chunky show flakes, slamming our big, corner windows overlooking white Manhattan. She was, oh, way too cute to put in words, while trying to get'em.
I decided to have a fruitful day despite the weather. The show storm subsided and turned into some kind of rain. Icy rain, I presume. That's not fun. Melts beautiful, clean snow and makes everything slippery and dangerous. I'm a bit paranoid about falling on the street and first, embarrassing myself, then having to go back home and change, and God forbid, hurt myself.
Staying at home, writing, working out and reading seemed like a good idea, for a day like that.After all, I'll have plenty of time to sled and freeze tomorrow. I have an audition.

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